About company

About company
Ryszard Ambroziak
tax advisor
He manages the department of the Tax Office as well as the department of the Accounting Office. He represents entities and their management boards in disputes, transactions, negotiations, ongoing business as well as tax and economic activities.
He specializes in providing legal and advisory services on highly complexity, ongoing strategic consulting, restructuring processes and negotiation processes. He advises and manages issues in the field of servicing business entities regarding the implementation of civil law and public law (tax) obligations. Expert in tax consultancy.
Has experience in conducting disputes regarding budget and tax control.
Ryszard Ambroziak – lawyer and financier (tax advisor) with 27 years of professional experience, including:
– fiscal control inspector,
– head of the budget and tax control department,
– head of the inspection department of undisclosed sources of income.
Specialization: Methodology of tax control and fiscal control to the full extent, including:
– conducting proceedings regarding personal income tax and corporate income tax, in particular proceedings from undisclosed sources of income;
– conducting proceedings regarding transfer prices between related entities;
– development of tax documentation pursuant to art. 9a of the Corporate Income Tax Act and art. 25a of the Personal Income Tax Act.